In France, where WH and I are enjoying
a few months repose, the authorities are promoting recycling among the
populace. Specifically, recycling garden and kitchen waste to fertilise home
grown vegetables and similar goodies. Would failure to compost mean a trip to
the guillotine or a hefty cheque to the ‘tresor publique’? We duly contacted
our ‘bons amis’, the local dustmen who agreed to sort us out.
Within days we were telephoned; someone
would come that afternoon. I looked out the window for a gentleman of Worzel
Gummage appearance bearing one of those two pronged forks which hang on the
walls of rustic barns. At three on the dot, Madame Composte, with swingy
chestnut hair and a smart navy suit, arrived in a nippy silver Citroen. With elegance and grace
she extracted her fare from the boot and laid it on view. Two
large composting bins, a reuseable bag of ‘starter’, numerous colourful books, brochures
and leaflets.
With standards of professionalism and
client focus of which the Apple Store would be proud, she launched into her
pitch. She was a lady who knew her compost and spent a full 30 minutes explaining
optimum temperature, oxygen levels, PH and microbes. We were converted, a pair
of veritable composting advocates. Whatever was all this quality going to cost,
we wondered? ‘Everything is guaranteed.’ she said ‘We will return your 15Euro*
deposit if you return the bins or we’ll replace them in seven years.’ She bade
a charming farewell, handing over her business card bearing a 24 hour free
helpline. We will rest easy knowing she is at hand should we face urgent composting
queries in the middle of the night.
Now that’s a good way to get the citizens
to do what you want!
*Less than $10
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