Sunday, 10 November 2013

The big issue of ihram instability

Among the five big rules which govern the lives of Muslims is the requirement to visit Mecca once in a lifetime. There are get-out clauses for the poor (just as well in view of the visa prices) or infirm but generally a visit is to be bagged in the quest for paradise. Pilgrims follow strict rules including the requirement for men to wear ihram, a white rectangle wrapped (no stitching, no knotting) around the male person without the fettering of undergarments.

Despite clear demonstrations on u-tube showing tried and tested wrapping and fixing techniques, the majority of British pilgrims take a cavalier attitude to ihram stability. As a result, having run the gauntlet of the aircraft steps at Heathrow, all is in disarray by the time they reach seat 48B. If like me your employer requires you to regularly make the trip from Heathrow to Jeddah (the nearest airport to Mecca), I recommend facing forward, head motionless. Remember, eyes are nether-height when seated on an aircraft!


I once made an exception when a group of sporty, olive skinned students from Bradford joined me on the flight; only good manners to acknowledge and assist fellow countrymen on their holy endeavors!

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